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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spider-Man Joins Marvel!

Looks like these guys might be "hanging" around each other on the big screen after all.

 For awhile now, there have been rumors that Spider-Man would join the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) just in time to appear in Captain America: Civil War. Well, it's official sort of. Spidey will be joining the heroes of the MCU, but we are not sure where yet. 

Since the rumors were that he would be in Civil War and the announcement says he will be in a MCU film before his new relaunch in 2017, it does look like he will join Steve and Tony in Civil War, which makes sense considering his huge role in the comic version!
But then again, although unlikely, he could be in Guardians 2 as that also comes out before his new film. I really think this would be stupid, but who knows?
But thats not all, the new deal not only allows Spidey to appear in MCU, but also allows MCU characters to appear in Sony's Spider-Man. This is a dream come true.
Now if only they would bring in Ben Reilley. (Joking, he's my second favorite Spider-Man, but I know how hated he is!)

 You can read more here on the official Marvel site:

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